Sunday, January 18, 2009

Starting Our Garden

I think it's high time that I update this thing!

So, 2009, here we are! Our family is doing well. Ross is well established in his new job at Walmart. I'm back at home full-time with Ian. Aidan is LOVING her "school."

In our hopes to go more green and healthy this year, we've decided to have a fairly extensive garden. I've been doing some extensive reading on Square Foot Gardening, and I have decided that that is our best options, especially since we're renting. It was such a beautiful day today that we went to Lowes to start gathering supplies. We bought seeds, some peat pots to start some seedlings now, soil, and we priced some other supplies that we will need soon. Our hope is that the investment we're making now will save us money in the long run this year.

When we got home, Aidan and I got organized, and then we got started on planting our seedlings. Aidan had so much fun! Today, we planted our strawberries, spinach, broccoli, watermelon, and some zinnias.

They are in peat pots for now, and when the weather and garden are ready, then the pots can be planted directly into the garden. Aidan had a blast getting her hands in the dirt, which was a plus, sensory-wise.

The Kind of Shopper Amanda is...

This should tell me the kind of shopper I am...

You Are a Discount Shopper

You love to get things as cheaply as possible. You live for sales.

It's partially because you like to save money, but it's also because you like the thrill of finding a fabulous deal.

Of all the types, you tend to shop frequently but rarely by. You keep an eye on prices.

Brand names are not that important to you. You know how to have style without collecting designer tags.